Space Funeral is a classic Japanese RPG game, created using RPG Maker 2003 tool. This game allows you to choose from a variety of characters, each of them having their own special abilities and fighting styles. Space Funeral also has a unique character customization option, allowing you to customize your character by choosing the facial features, clothing, voice, tattoos, weapons, and even their hair. One of its unique features is the ability to create your own unique battle style, as well as choosing the best enemy to fight.
This character customization option allows you to have your own unique personality, as well as create unique personalities for your character. Space Funeral uses the "Layers" feature in RPG Maker 2003 to allow you to add special effects to your character while playing the game. You can add text and music to your characters, as well as create your own unique backgrounds. The battle system in Space Funeral utilizes a lot of visual and sound cues, allowing you to easily select the best fighting style.
Download Space Funeral from the Internet and run the software, creating your character and creating your customized character. Choose the combat style you prefer, and then choose from among three different battles, each of which are highly detailed and filled with special effects. Once you are done playing the game, you will need to save your character. This will allow you to play another character.